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PHP - Strings

  • PHP string is a sequence of characters.
  • There are two ways of creating strings in PHP:
  • Single-quote strings
  • Double-quote strings

  • Single-quote strings

    This type of strings does not processes special characters inside quotes.

    $x  = 'Code Always'; 
    echo $x; 

    Single-quotes strings in PHP does not processes special characters.

    Double-quote strings

    Unlike single-quote strings, double-quote strings in PHP is capable of processing special characters.

    $x  = 'Code Always'; 
    echo $x; 
    echo "Welcome to $x"; 

    In PHP the character beginning with a backslash(“\”) are treated as escape sequences and are replaced with special characters. Here are few important escape sequences.

  • “\n” is replaced by a new line
  • “\t” is replaced by a tab space
  • “\$” is replaced by a dollar sign
  • “\r” is replaced by a carriage return
  • “\\” is replaced by a backslash
  • “\”” is replaced by a double quote
  • “\'” is replaced by a single quote

  • Example : Special Character

     $x  = 'Code Always.'; 
     echo $x; 
     echo "Welcome to $x \n"; 
     echo "$x "; 

    Result : Special Character

     Welcome to Code Always.
     Code Always.   

    Built-In String Functions

    Built-in functions in PHP are some existing library functions which can be used directly in our programs making an appropriate call to them

    strlen() function

    The PHP strlen() function returns the length of a string.

    Example : strlen()

     echo strlen("Code Always."); 

    The output of the above PHP code is '12'.

    strrev() function

    The PHP strrev() function reverses a string.

    Example : strrev()

     echo strrev("Code Always."); 

    The output of the above PHP code is '.syawlA edoC'.

    strpos() function

    The PHP strpos() function searches for a specific text within a string.

    Example : strpos()

     echo strpos("Code Always.","Always"); 

    The output of the above PHP code is '6'.

    str_replace()() function

    The PHP str_replace() function replaces some characters with some other characters in a string.

    Example : str_replace()

     echo str_replace("Now","Always","Code Now."); 

    The output of the above PHP code is 'Code Always.'.

    NOTE - Built-in string functions is given in function reference PHP String Functions